Core Family Values
Welcome to the Brown Safe family
From a young age, my fondest memories were working alongside my father, James A. Brown, and grandfather on their various engineering projects. My first visit to my father’s laboratory at the Eli Lilly Company was immeasurably inspiring. Watching his meticulous attention to detail motivated me to pursue my own interests in mechanical design. Drawn to locks and complex mechanical devices, I soon fell headlong into the world of safe design.
The simple words spoken by my father when I set out on this endeavor hold as true then as they do now,
“Build it for your children’s children…and teach them the same.”
Today at Brown Safe we handcraft each safe with my father’s steadfast commitment to these core values of excellent craftsmanship, long term reliability, and survivability.
With the new generation comes new innovation and technology, but we never compromise on our core values, and build each safe as the treasured heirloom we know it will become.
Our unrelenting drive to manufacture the worlds most secure safes permeates the fabric of the Brown family. We offer you the comfort in knowing your safe is built to a higher standard.

Frederick Brown
Owner of Brown Safe Mfg.